
Madalena Vietoris

We have not needed a "kick"
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
was at that time was eleven and my sister ten - and always the fear: "Burn our house?" We have the shock of the grandparents had. And life still? " And then sometimes on the way air raid. Then the big boys, by the fifth, the sixth, the same as well - has moved a whole bunch. They've always packed by us and have run into the next tunnel. It was the whole northern chain air raid shelters full. In Thaur, in rum, in Mühlau Arzl in air raid shelters were everywhere. Then we went. And when was clear, we are just gone back to Innsbruck. So I have no kick needed. We need not explore our borders. We need to explore. And the relationship with classmates and also to the teachers was quite different after the war, I must say. When talking with a teacher and sits in the shelter, and when the director are the cat by the student brings home that we can play, or aufklaubt apples in the garden and brings us a green apple, as is the relationship quite different. - The teachers were good teachers at that time. I had to learn, but they were very different then when I saw after the war. Because they were so distant. Today, I think, different. But so far it was a beautiful school.